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Settlement Agreement Calculator


‘If you're dealing with a settlement agreement offer, or one might be on the horizon, then you probably want to find a free settlement agreement calculator to use.

A settlement agreement calculator is a tool that is designed to help individuals estimate the amount of compensation they may be entitled to in a settlement agreement. Settlement agreements, also known as compromise agreements, are legal contracts between an employer and an employee that typically involve the employee receiving a sum of money in exchange for agreeing not to pursue any further legal action against the employer.

These calculators usually ask for information such as the employee's age, length of service, salary, and reason for leaving, in order to calculate an estimated amount of compensation. The calculator may also take into account factors such as statutory redundancy pay, notice pay, and holiday pay.

It's important to note that a settlement agreement calculator is only an estimate and should not be relied on as a definitive figure. The actual amount of compensation offered in a settlement agreement will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific circumstances of the case, the strength of the employee's legal position, and the negotiations between the parties involved. It's always advisable to seek the advice of a qualified legal professional before accepting any settlement agreement.

Other Settlement Agreement Calculators

There are many great calculators out there on the web, with their own way of calculating settlement fees. You might like to try out some of the below:

Monaco Solicitors

Settlement Agreement Value Calculator


Winston Solicitors

Settlement Agreement Calculator


Gap HR Services

Settlement Agreement Calculator


Premier Legal LLP

Settlement Agreement Calculator


Know of any other good calculators you would like us to include here? Let us know by sending us a message and we'll try to list it on this page.

[email protected], call 0800 533 5134 or 020 7717 5259.



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