The new ET1 employment tribunal claim form is difficult to complete online. In this article we explain how to do it, step by step. The form itself can be accessed by clicking here. The headings below are the same headings as used on the form, and we have given some guidance as to which answers to.. continue reading
This article explains constructive dismissal and sets out the many pitfalls which tend to thwart employees who want to make a claim for constructive dismissal. You might want to get a rough idea of the value of your case by filling in the Settlement Agreements Calculator. Top 3 TIPS Consider raising a grievance Give your …Continue Reading
Unfortunately discrimination at work is still rife in Britain – even if it is out of sight, it is certainly not out of mind – and discrimination claims can be difficult to prove. On the plus side, there is no minimum period of employment for you to be able to claim in the employment tribunal …Continue Reading