+020 7717 5259
Whether you are a lowly worker or a top executive, if you are in need of a specialist employment lawyer you have come to the right place. Compromise Agreements Ltd is a full service UK employment law firm, representing employees seeking to achieve a fair outcome for their workplace problems. If you need us to negotiate a fair exit package from your employment dispute, conduct your employment tribunal claim or just review & sign your settlement agreement document, then we can assist you.
Fees: we will discuss your case with you by an initial telephone call, and then we aim give you a fee quote based on your needs. If you have a settlement agreement document that you are happy with, then our fee for reviewing and signing it are paid by your employer; for most other services we operate a fixed fee service. The quote will depend on the amount of work involved and you will be advised accordingly during your call, once we have had the opportunity to understand your case (click here for further guidance on our fees).
If you would like us to request a confidential telephone appointment, then please provide some initial details here so that we can arrange for the right lawyer to call you back. Of course if you prefer you can call us to arrange it or email [email protected].
As featured in The Lawyer and the Vince sketch - 14 02 07 - textLaw Society Gazette, we have issued judicial review proceedings against Business Secretary Vince Cable’s new cap on unfair dismissal compensation, reduced from £74,200 to one year’s salary. The cap will disproportionately affect elderly, disabled and pregnant employees on lower incomes. If you’re dismissed whilst pregnant for example, you will only be able to claim a max of one year’s salary, even if you’re out of work for over a year.
So you will have to claim benefits, and the taxpayer will pick up the bill. There are no austerity savings for Britain here, and the only ones winning will be unscrupulous companies who have been proved to have unfairly dismissed an employee. That’s why we are fighting the UK government in court in order to overturn this law – its not legal and its not helpful for our country. Read the full story here.
The unique settlement agreement calculator tells you roughly how much you should get when leaving your job. This is an instant online tool whereby you simply input some basic case info and the valuation is done automatically and shows up on your screen. Click here to try it.
Contact UsTo peruse our free legal document and letter templates for use in your employment dispute in the work place, click here. These templates are easy to adapt for use in your own case if you choose to represent yourself. We are proud to provide you with the widest and most detailed selection of specially drafted free employment law templates in the UK.
We help the underdog stand up to the might of the corporate machine, and we believe that employees should have access to the best legal advice, whether that be free of charge through our library of self-help articles and the free case value calculator right here on our website, or whether it be through hiring us as your lawyers. Big corporations are not above the law and it is important that individuals stand up for their rights, which, after all, took a long time for our ancestors to earn.
To peruse our free legal document and letter templates for use in your employment dispute in the work place, click here. These templates are easy to adapt for use in your own case if you choose to represent yourself. We are proud to provide you with the widest and most detailed selection of specially drafted free employment law templates in the UK.
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